Sing was convinced by the pirates that her master had sold her to them as a slave, while the Dark Woman suspected that her apprentice had left to escape her arduous training, and deemed her departure to be the will of the Force. The nine-year-old student was led into a trap by a young Twi'lek, and captured by Sennex pirates.

Not yet a Padawan apprentice, Sing traveled with Kuro to a training ground maintained by the master on Ord Namurt. Headstrong and deadly, Sing was dubbed "Nashtah" by her fellow students, for a six-legged Dravian predatory animal. Mundi was troubled by the darkness in Sing, and Kuro, though experienced with difficult students, was a harsh teacher, and struggled to form the bond with her pupil that the Jedi Council had hoped would allow Sing to put aside her aggression and learn control.

A Force-sensitive female humanoid, the young Sing was exposed to the ruthless violence of Nar Shaddaa for the first two years of her life, before her strength in the Force was discovered by the Jedi Master An'ya Kuro, also known as "the Dark Woman." Promising Aunuana that her daughter would have a better life away from the smuggler's moon, the Jedi brought Sing to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where the Dark Woman, her one-time student Ki-Adi-Mundi, and other members of the Jedi Order trained the child to use the Force and the Jedi weapon the lightsaber. Aurra Sing was born in the slums of Nar Shaddaa to a spice-addicted mother named Aunuanna, who called the child "angel," and a father she never knew.